Im a senyor year CS student.
myMy final project is to improve Waze with AI. inIn order to do that iI need to join 2 datasetdatasets.
1 - jams - linestrings that iI convert to polygons using buffer
2 - alerts by user - points
bothBoth are in the same city.
afterAfter cleaning the data and make columns as geometry object iI need to add to alerts DF new column with value of the jams that contain the alert
i. I tried a lot of solutions in the net, no one helped me .
thisThis is the 2 dataset
Alerts + Traffic : + Traffic
`Trafficjan.set_geometry("polygeo") m = gpd.sjoin(Alertsjan,
Trafficjan, how="left", predicate="within")`
m = gpd.sjoin(Alertsjan, Trafficjan, how="left", predicate="within")
thisThis code givegives me nothing.