I have estimates of fish density along transects from a lake and would like to extrapolate these estimates for the entire lake surface, using kriging methods. Based on information from here, here and here I have put together some code, but am somewhat underwhelmed by the result.
Data (reduced example)
points <- new("SpatialPointsDataFrame", data = structure(list(fish_ha = c("0",
"0", "312", "227", "0", "455", "603", "112", "247", "265", "249",
"770", "357", "236", "69", "220", "137", "284", "762", "1675",
"522", "458", "345", "352", "245", "155", "156", "273", "349",
"159", "0", "0", "0", "24", "122", "329", "220", "233", "393",
"280", "360", "258", "389", "218", "897", "621", "96", "0"),
kg_ha = c("0", "0", "4", "13", "0", "8", "11", "1", "16",
"3", "6", "10", "11", "12", "0", "0", "8", "8", "9", "49",
"4", "9", "13", "10", "4", "0", "3", "2", "4", "11", "0",
"0", "0", "0", "0", "5", "1", "7", "5", "4", "5", "3", "10",
"8", "12", "12", "16", "0")), row.names = c(NA, 48L), class = "data.frame"),
coords.nrs = numeric(0), coords = structure(c(4433881.1568807,
4434063.60990585, 4434248.52978213, 4434424.85550047, 4434609.13424212,
4434789.09718599, 4434961.90436403, 4435144.06069923, 4435319.2348634,
4435491.86377727, 4435664.21278297, 4435844.41156398, 4436020.02906396,
4436199.23270384, 4436369.11069566, 4436425.38302424, 4436251.93393992,
4436074.63414255, 4435895.64721142, 4435713.93015789, 4435534.31261496,
4435355.02277154, 4435169.23010039, 4435008.18551482, 4434822.16338571,
4434612.63799854, 4434497.14610166, 4434310.76818349, 4434130.32709306,
4433952.87071154, 4433770.4969528, 4433676.2458604, 4433761.22108147,
4433828.82289591, 4434003.57719308, 4434193.63055075, 4434375.25860433,
4434564.25516186, 4434749.01519503, 4434931.19940932, 4435117.92409774,
4435298.99069721, 4435496.73990189, 4435669.74828463, 4435865.15000385,
4436040.60330774, 4436224.66669998, 4436403.18795118, 5312861.836658,
5312933.63486221, 5313011.00222572, 5313100.98546289, 5313184.76380388,
5313276.55707233, 5313376.06518777, 5313463.36494439, 5313561.31118271,
5313664.51767385, 5313766.74450944, 5313855.76146538, 5313952.32434893,
5314046.71579149, 5314128.40161701, 5314201.72910295, 5314225.99569893,
5314222.97125282, 5314227.9850289, 5314223.04148194, 5314222.10196228,
5314224.20389437, 5314229.84305795, 5314218.85634075, 5314214.47324543,
5314196.85755598, 5314203.17314432, 5314223.90908531, 5314212.71235654,
5314194.7295721, 5314176.3936568, 5314079.49237766, 5314185.62832972,
5314208.02911493, 5314292.57740121, 5314373.63466771, 5314456.73837339,
5314542.36976885, 5314632.61275978, 5314724.6514073, 5314807.60929174,
5314901.69214647, 5314997.06141053, 5315067.37271931, 5315161.91513888,
5315241.88662221, 5315333.11425499, 5315433.52566703), .Dim = c(48L,
2L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("coords.x1", "coords.x2"))),
bbox = structure(c(4433676.2458604, 5312861.836658, 4436425.38302424,
5315433.52566703), .Dim = c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c("coords.x1",
"coords.x2"), c("min", "max"))), proj4string = new("CRS",
projargs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=12 +k=1 +x_0=4500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs"))
slot(points, "proj4string") <- CRS(SRS_string = "EPSG:31468")
grid <- as.data.frame(spsample(points, "regular", n = 1000)) %>%
rename(x = x1, y = x2)
coordinates(grid) <- c("x", "y")
gridded(grid) <- TRUE
fullgrid(grid) <- TRUE
slot(grid, "proj4string") <- CRS(SRS_string = "EPSG:31468")
kriging_result <- autoKrige(kg_ha ~ 1, points, grid)
It looks to me like there hasn't been a lot of extrapolation outside of the actual transects. Is there any way to get predictions for a larger area?
N.B.: I have not clipped the grid to match the outline of the lake. I've had some issues there too, but for simplicity let's just look at the kriging for the time being.