i tried to compress and rebuild indexes in the database using the above scipt but there's no improvements at all.
i tried to view data from ArcMap, i have founded the same problem.
Using the performance monitor i remarked some bottlenecks in CPU and network sides.
i have tried @travis advice, so i opened mxd referencing data in sde with Arcmap, then i remarked this part take 7 minutes:
import[W arcpy10:34:37.710] ,Command: sys , os QueryWithInfo
arcpy.env[R 10:34:37.overwriteOutput710] =Long: True 1
[R 10:34:37.710] Query Info:
Num Columns: 1
db_name = sys.argv[1] Columns: "shape"
SQL_Construct: [1]
db_path = os.path.join(os Tables: "ife_tanant.pathsde.dirname(__file__),borne"
"Connection_"+db_name+".sde") WhereClause: "type_borne_id<3"
arcpy.env.workspace = db_path Query Type: 4
Num Hints: 0
Num Parameter markers: 0
#disconnect all users from theLogfile: database <null>
[W 10:34:37.718] Long: 0
arcpy[W 10:34:37.DisconnectUser(db_path,718] "ALL")Col_Defines: [1]
Name Type Width nDec NULL? RowID
# Get a list of-------------------------------- versions----------- to----- pass---- into-------- the-----
ReconcileVersions tool shape SE_SHAPE 0 0 NULL
-------------------------------- ----------- ----- ---- -------- -----
[W 10:34:37.718] Long: 71303299
versionList[W =10:34:37.718] arcpyLong: 0
[W 10:34:37.ListVersions(db_path)718] CoordRef:
XY False Origin: -37644800,, -28128500,
XY System Units: 10000,
# Execute the ReconcileVersions tool.XY Half SysUnit: 0,00005
arcpy.ReconcileVersions_management(db_path XY Round: 0,0001
"ALL_VERSIONS" XY Cluster Tolerance: 0,001
"sde.DEFAULT" Z Offset: -100000,000000
versionList Z Units: 10000,000000
"LOCK_ACQUIRED" Z Half SysUnit: 0,000050000
"NO_ABORT" Z Round: 0,000100000
"BY_OBJECT" Z Cluster Tolerance: 0,001
"FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION" Measure Offset: -100000,000000
"POST" Measure Units: 10000,000000
"DELETE_VERSION" Measure Half SysUnit: 0,000050000
"c Measure Round:/reconcilelog.txt") 0,000100000
Measure Cluster Tol: 0,001
# Run the compress tool.Coordinate System ID: 0
arcpy Coordinate System: "PROJCS["Nord_Maroc_Degree",GEOGCS["GCS_Merchich_Degree",DATUM["D_Merchich",SPHEROID["Clarke_1880_IGN",6378249.Compress_management(db_path)2,293.46602]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",300000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-5.4],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",33.3],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.999625769],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",33.3],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]"
Spatial Reference ID: 102191
#Allow the database to beginPrecision accepting connections again High [64]
[W 10:34:37.AcceptConnections(db_path,719] True)Command: SetSpatialConstraints
[R 10:34:37.719] Long: 1
dataList[R =10:34:37.719] arcpyShort: 2
[R 10:34:37.ListTables()719] +Long: arcpy 0
[R 10:34:37.ListFeatureClasses()720] +Filter arcpyArray: [1]
Table: IFE_TANANT.ListRasters()SDE.BORNE
Column: shape
# Next SearchMethod: SM_ENVP
Truth: Must Pass
XY False Origin: -37644800,, for-28128500,
feature datasets get all of the featureclasses XY System Units: 10000,
# from the list and add them to the master list.XY Half SysUnit: 0,00005
for dataset in arcpy.ListDatasets() XY Round: 0,0001
dataList += arcpy XY Cluster Tolerance: 0,001
Z Offset: -100000,000000
Z Units: 10000,000000
Z Half SysUnit: 0,000050000
Z Round: 0,000100000
Z Cluster Tolerance: 0,001
Measure Offset: -100000,000000
Measure Units: 10000,000000
Measure Half SysUnit: 0,000050000
Measure Round: 0,000100000
Measure Cluster Tol: 0,001
Coordinate System ID: 0
Coordinate System: "PROJCS["Nord_Maroc_Degree",GEOGCS["GCS_Merchich_Degree",DATUM["D_Merchich",SPHEROID["Clarke_1880_IGN",6378249.ListFeatureClasses(feature_dataset=dataset)2,293.46602]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",300000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-5.4],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",33.3],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.999625769],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",33.3],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]"
Spatial Reference ID: 102191
Precision High [64]
Feature Number: 0
##print dataList Feature Entity Type: Area
# pass in the list Number of datasetsPoints: owned by the admin to the5
rebuild indexes and analyze datasets tools Feature Envelope:
# Note MinX: to use the "SYSTEM"328133,48150, optionMaxX: the user must be384094,63650
an administrator. MinY: 133834,78230, MaxY: 159869,12210
arcpy.RebuildIndexes_management(db_path Polygon Perimeter: 163990,98960
"SYSTEM" Polygon Area: 1456911724,87047
Point dataList X Y 2D Distance
1 328133,48150 "ALL") 133834,78230
2 384094,63650 133834,78230 55961,155
arcpy.AnalyzeDatasets_management(db_path 3 384094,63650 "SYSTEM" 159869,12210 dataList 26034,340
"ANALYZE_BASE" 4 328133,48150 "ANALYZE_DELTA" 159869,12210 "ANALYZE_ARCHIVE") 55961,155
i tried to view data from ArcMap, i have founded the same problem.
Using the performance monitor i remarked some bottlenecks in CPU and network sides.
i have tried @travis advice, so i opened mxd referencing data in sde with Arcmap, then i remarked this part take 7 minutes:
5 328133,48150 133834,78230 26034,340
[W 10:34:37.721] Long: 0
[W 10:34:37.721] Command: ExecuteSpatialQuery
[R 10:34:37.721] Long: 1
[W 10:34:37.727] Long: 0
[W 10:41:17.554] Command: NextBuffer
[R 10:41:17.554] Long: 1
[W 10:41:17.554] Long: 0
[R 10:41:17.554] Long: 16416
[W 10:41:17.554] Long: 456
[W 10:41:17.554] Short: -1
[W 10:41:17.554] Long: 0
[W 10:41:17.554] Long: 0
[W 10:41:17.554] Block:
BufferInfo: [25/16416] Address@0x26fb0000
BufferInHex: "02008A850100010000000100140000000C0000000100000082..."