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PostGIS: Calculate the Calculating length of just the portion of linestring that intersect with a polygon using PostGIS?


UPDATE: @HeyOverThere suggests a query that almost works, with a little modification:


UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. The length of each intersection is correct. So, maybe the intersection is two times as long as I expect (?).

And the 2 tables here (SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1'):

If anyone could try, that would be great. Anyway, many thanks.

PostGIS: Calculate the length of just the portion of linestring that intersect with a polygon

UPDATE: @HeyOverThere suggests a query that almost works, with a little modification:

UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. The length of each intersection is correct. So, maybe the intersection is two times as long as I expect (?).

And the 2 tables here (SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1'):

If anyone could try, that would be great. Anyway, many thanks.

Calculating length of just portion of linestring that intersect with polygon using PostGIS?


@HeyOverThere suggests a query that almost works, with a little modification:


As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. The length of each intersection is correct. So, maybe the intersection is two times as long as I expect (?).

And the 2 tables here (SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1'):

Added more details
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Jorge Arévalo
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UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. The length of each intersection is correct. So, maybe the intersection is two times as long as I expect (?).

Here, the 3 things I've tried. All of them get a distance 2x the expected one (link to real data at the end):

UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. Here, the 3 things I've tried. All of them get a distance 2x the expected one (link to real data at the end):

UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. The length of each intersection is correct. So, maybe the intersection is two times as long as I expect (?).

Here, the 3 things I've tried. All of them get a distance 2x the expected one (link to real data at the end):

Added the results of more tries
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Jorge Arévalo
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UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. Here, the 3 things I've tried. All of them get a distance 2x the expected one (link to real data at the end):

First try, with one query:

SELECT a.province, sum(ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.the_geom))/1000) as length_per_province
FROM provinces a, line_tracks b
WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.the_geom) group by a.province order by a.province;

Second try, with CTE:

with line_segments as (
SELECT a.province, ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.the_geom))/1000 as length
FROM provinces a, line_tracks b
WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.the_geom) order by a.province
) select province, sum(length) as length_per_province from line_segments group by province;

Third one, with subquery, as suggested:

select province, sum(length) as length_per_province from(
SELECT a.province, ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.the_geom))/1000 as length
FROM provinces a, line_tracks b
WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.the_geom)) as foo group by province;

I get this, in all cases:


The total length of the line:

select sum(st_length(the_geom))/1000 as total_length from line_tracks

The result


And the 2 tables here (SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1'):

If anyone could try, that would be great. Anyway, many thanks.

UPDATE 2: As @GetSpatial suggested, I've tried using subqueries to sum and group the results of the first query. Same result. Here, the 3 things I've tried. All of them get a distance 2x the expected one (link to real data at the end):

First try, with one query:

SELECT a.province, sum(ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.the_geom))/1000) as length_per_province
FROM provinces a, line_tracks b
WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.the_geom) group by a.province order by a.province;

Second try, with CTE:

with line_segments as (
SELECT a.province, ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.the_geom))/1000 as length
FROM provinces a, line_tracks b
WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.the_geom) order by a.province
) select province, sum(length) as length_per_province from line_segments group by province;

Third one, with subquery, as suggested:

select province, sum(length) as length_per_province from(
SELECT a.province, ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.the_geom))/1000 as length
FROM provinces a, line_tracks b
WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.the_geom)) as foo group by province;

I get this, in all cases:


The total length of the line:

select sum(st_length(the_geom))/1000 as total_length from line_tracks

The result


And the 2 tables here (SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1'):

If anyone could try, that would be great. Anyway, many thanks.

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Jorge Arévalo
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Source Link
Jorge Arévalo
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