When QGIS is installed, it displays the following message:
the ordinal 3109 could not be located in the dynamic library LIBEAY32.dll.
Could someone help me?
I've just had the same problem on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine. I fixed it by copying libeay32.dll -
from C:\Program Files (x86)\Quantum GIS Lisboa\bin
to C:\Program Files (x86)\Quantum GIS Lisboa\apps\qgis\bin
so that it was in the same directory as the executable.
(This is the same work-around as given in the thread referenced above about a different QGIS DLL conflict.)
Judging from a simple search engine query, you have multiple versions of the same dll installed and QGIS is trying to use the wrong one. You could try searching the whole system for this LIBEAY32.dll and rename the other one temporarily. The real question is why it has search-order precedence.