With the elements we have here,
I'll show a way to transform MultiPoints and Point geometrie and add the Z information in your geometry.
create table public.multi_test as (
SELECT ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT((-71.160281 42.258729),(-71.160837 42.259113),(-71.161144 42.25932))') as geom,
1515 as elevation)
I will simulate your dataset as follow, geometry as MultiPoints geometry in your geom column and an "elevation" column with the Z information
At this point, you need to Dump your dataset to split your multipoints in single points and keep the z information at the same time. You can run the following
select St_asText((ST_Dump(multi_test.geom)).geom) as geom
from public.multi_test
Create table public.point_dump as (
select (ST_Dump(multi_test.geom)).geom as geom,
multi_test.elevation as elevation
from public.multi_test)
So we create a dataset of points with the z information in your column "elevation"
from here we can make a new geometry with the Z information by extracting info from your geometry and adding the Z from the column. You can extract X and Y information from a geometry with ST_X, ST_Y. St_MakePoint will create the new point with the Z information
Create table public.points_3d as (
select St_MakePoint(ST_X(geom),ST_Y(geom),elevation) as geom
from public.point_dump)
select St_asText(geom) from public.points_3d
You can resume all these queries in a single query but as we don't have full information, I prefer to explain the way to go.
Similar things are possible with Polygons and Linestrings.
Edit : with a CTE you can do this single query
Create table public.points_3d_v2 as (
with points as (
(ST_Dump(multi_test.geom)).geom as geom,
multi_test.elevation as elevation
from public.multi_test
select ST_MakePoint(ST_X(geom),ST_Y(geom),elevation) as geom,
elevation from points