Is there a way to batch read in ENVI standard image files (they have associated headers) and export them to a GeoTiff ?

I have a folder of ~500 images

  • you could do it with GDAL (gdal_translate). Is it a solution for you ?
    – radouxju
    Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 20:11

2 Answers 2


GDAL solution. This is the base code.

gdal_translate -of GTiff input.envi output.tif

Here is the stack exchange answer to do all files in a folder.

loop GDAL translate

and here is the stack overflow solution.

loop gdal translate


This function 'ENVI_OUTPUT_TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT' can solve your work if you have the license. The help can be found in http://www.exelisvis.com/docs/ENVI_OUTPUT_TO_EXTERNAL_FORMAT.html

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