I am using QGIS 2.4.0 Chugiak on my windows 8.1, for classification of landsat 5-7 image that contains hilly mountains with dense forest and 60% area are plains. I am classifying through Semi-automatic Classification Plugin by Spectral Angle Mapping algorithm but I am not getting a properly classified image.
I have carefully collected the signatures and analysed those on a spectral signature plot. Before starting the classification algorithm, I converted the radiance to Top of Atmosphere reflectance through automated process and clipped my area of interest using "clip multiple raster" under preprocessing tab through shape file.
My question is this. Is there something wrong with whole process or first do I have to eliminate the terrain shadows after the conversion to TOA reflectance? I also have the SRTM DEM 30m resolution. If it is necessary to remove those areas that are under shadows then how; if not then how can I improve my classification through this automated plugin?