I'm using postgres (postgis) and i want to perform a query that returns all rows which geometries intersect and have a timestamp within 1 hour from each other.

What would the SQL statement look like?

table looks like this:

id   { integer }    
name { character varying }
bounds { geometry }  
timestamp { timestamp with time zone }

// purposely left out bounds in the table example below (not necessary)

id   name       timestamp
1    one        "2010-09-24 21:10:39.515+00"
2    two        "2010-09-16 09:21:09.362+00"
3    three      "2010-07-08 00:00:46.549+00"


Not including the intersect matching here is an example: for every row give me any other rows that are within 1 hour:

select * from myTable order by t

 id |               t               
  9 | 2011-07-15 18:20:20.05+02
 10 | 2011-07-15 19:05:00.05+02
 11 | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02
 13 | 2011-07-15 20:31:01.05+02
 14 | 2011-07-15 20:35:11.05+02
(5 rows)

result of needed query:

 id |  matchid |  origTime                  | matchTime
  9 |   10     | 2011-07-15 18:20:20.05+02  | 2011-07-15 19:05:00.05+02
 10 |    9     | 2011-07-15 19:05:00.05+02  | 2011-07-15 18:20:20.05+02
 10 |   11     | 2011-07-15 19:05:00.05+02  | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02
 11 |   10     | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02  | 2011-07-15 19:05:00.05+02
 11 |   13     | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02  | 2011-07-15 20:31:01.05+02
 11 |   14     | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02  | 2011-07-15 20:35:11.05+02
 13 |   11     | 2011-07-15 20:31:01.05+02  | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02
 13 |   14     | 2011-07-15 20:31:01.05+02  | 2011-07-15 20:35:11.05+02
 14 |   11     | 2011-07-15 20:35:11.05+02  | 2011-07-15 19:40:20.05+02
 14 |   13     | 2011-07-15 20:35:11.05+02  | 2011-07-15 20:31:01.05+02
(10 rows)

1 Answer 1


What about:

  m1.id as id,
  m2.id as match_id,
  m1.startDate as origTime,
  m2.startDate as matchTime
  myTable m1 inner join
  myTable m2 on st_intersects(m1.geom, m2.geom)
  and (m1.startDate - m2.startDate <= interval '1 hour'
       or -(m1.startDate - m2.startDate) <= interval '1 hour')
  and m1.id != m2.id

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