My story is like this about geowebcache. I am useing geoserver 2.5.x and GeoWebCache version 1.5.2, build 1.5.x. OS is ubuntu.
I can not found geowebcache.xml file in server. But there is a file named gwc-gs.xml in .../geoserver/data/
I do not use EPSG:4326 and EPSG:900913, I use custom projection named EPSG:987654 and I set it in file.
And I created a Grid Set for custom projection.
1- Should I set all layers Tile Caching settings to my Gridset?
2- When I open demo page of layer geoweb page (http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/demo/pg:cimy?gridSet=EPSG:987654&format=image/png
) my CPU usage is going %104 and system is locking. After 30-40 second it is normal.
What settings I should do?