I am trying to use FieldMap in arcpy to merge only a few of the same fields from 8 feature classes. There are many different fields in all of the different feature classes, but I have identified the 9 fields I want in my final merged feature class. Instead of merging all the fields I identify it only chooses the first field in my list and I end up with a merged file with one field "COUNTY_F". What am I missing?
fClasses = []
#Loop through MyGDB.gdb and add each feature class name to array
fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fcs:
i = i+1
print fClasses
#Shows as "Clallam_WorkingForest_2013, GraysHarbor_WorkingForest_2013, Jefferson_WorkingForest_2013, King_WorkingForest_2013, Kittitas_WorkingForest_2013, Mason_WorkingForest_2013, Pierce_WorkingForest_2013, Snohomish_WorkingForest_2013"
#Map Fields for Merge
fm = arcpy.FieldMappings()
fm_type = arcpy.FieldMap()
for field in inFields:
fm_type.addInputField( "Clallam_WorkingForest_2013", field.name)
fm_type.addInputField( "GraysHarbor_WorkingForest_2013", field.name)
fm_type.addInputField( "Jefferson_WorkingForest_2013", field)
fm_type.addInputField( "King_WorkingForest_2013", field)
fm_type.addInputField( "Kittitas_WorkingForest_2013", field)
fm_type.addInputField( "Mason_WorkingForest_2013", field)
fm_type.addInputField( "Pierce_WorkingForest_2013", field)
fm_type.addInputField( "Snohomish_WorkingForest_2013", field)
print "Fields mapped!"
arcpy.Merge_management(fClasses, "Merged", fm)
print "Merge: SUCCESS."