This is a point in Brewster, MA, USA. How would it be converted to WKID 4326?
324299.3348436486, 832511.5939650714
This is a point in Brewster, MA, USA. How would it be converted to WKID 4326?
324299.3348436486, 832511.5939650714
The coordinates appear to be in NAD 1983 State Plane Massachusetts (Mainland), in meters. I decided this by first adding state and county boundary data to ArcMap. They are in NAD 1983. I then checked on the location of Brewster (southeastern coast of Cape Code Bay). I then set ArcMap's data frame's coordinate system to NAD 1983 State Plane MA mainland zone and looked to see where the coordinates in the question are. They showed up in the Brewster area.
Why did I choose this one first? Coordinates weren't UTM, so probably State Plane. More likely to be NAD83 than NAD27. The values didn't seem big enough to be feet, so tried the meters one.
To answer your question on converting to WGS84 (EPSG:4326), it will depend on what software you have available.
I think you're looking for EPSG:26986. Source:
Projecting your point from 26986 -> 4326 you end up in Brewster, MA: 26986->4326 using
Results in -70.005868000000007, 41.733080999999999 -> Google Maps