I have the same issue, but I'm afraid none of the above apply to me.
I'm working on Ubuntu 16.04 and Qgis 2.18 and I've been successfully using Qgis2threejs all the afternoon, to produce simple 3D views of just a simple raster layer on the DEM cut by a polygon layer. As I say, I've been doing it repeatedly with different layers and suddenly, the output began to appear white, even with the layers and settings that I used before. I've reinstalled Qgis2threejs and nothing, then I've rebooted my computer and nothing. Finally, I've made a new Qgis project and I got two successful 3D views (a trial one, uncut, and one I needes, cut). That's all, when I tried with two more raster layers nothing comes out...
I checked the javascript console and I get the following message:
Duplicate point -156.510366312:-124.059030001 three.min.js:664:338
Warning, unable to triangulate polygon!
Repeated for many, many different points. I don't think it is a problem of my polygon layer either, as it is a simple square with four vertices.
Any hint on what can I try next?
Best regards,