I have drawn a complex path with multiple vertices in Google Earth (GE) Pro and its measurement property is shown as being 2,460 nm. It is located East of Australia.
If i import this KML into ArcGIS and try to measure it, i get different results: Using the Calculate field and the formula !shape.length@nauticalmiles! using WGS84 GCS, i got 2,554 nm.
Thinking that i should better use an equidistant projected coordinate system to get the length of my path, I redid the measurement and got 1,966 nm with the World Equidistant Cylindrical PCS.
I also played with the Plate Carree PCS and got 2,554 nm.
Am i wrong to use an equidistant projection for this calculation as it is normally supposed to maintain the distance?
Can i also consider GE length as being the correct value? I used external tool such as KML path measurer and got 2,467 nm.
What would be the correct process to do such a basic calculation?