I am programming a small application using Arcobjects, and I need to create an ArcSDE geodatabase on PostgreSQL.

In ArcSDE at 10.2 there is no Post Installation Wizard.

How do I create a Geodatabase in PostgreSQL using ArcSDE line Command? i.e. without needing to use ArcGIS Desktop (Create Entreprise Geodatabase toolbox).

1 Answer 1


From the ArcSDE Administration Command Reference:

Beginning with ArcGIS 10.1, you must use a geoprocessing tool or Python script to create a geodatabase. For geodatabases in Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL, if you can use the default settings, use the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool or a Python script that calls this tool. If you want to configure your database before creating a geodatabase, use the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool or a Python script that calls this tool.

Which means you cannot create a geodatabase with ArcSDE command line tools, you have to use ArcGIS Desktop or Engine Developer Kit with Python installed (which will give you access to the arcpy). You can still use the ArcSDE cmd to create an ArcSDE Windows service.


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