You're not passing in a callback function into your selectFeatures
You need to set it up like:
function search(){
var queryTask = new QueryTask("");
var query = new esri.tasks.Query();
//var value = dom.byId('company').value;
query.returnGeometry = true ;
query.outFields = ["*"];
console.log('Selection Query: ' + query.outFields)
query.where = "companyname LIKE '" + '%' + dom.byId("company").value + '%' + "'";
console.log('Query Registered');
industryLayer10.selectFeatures(query, null, selectFinished, null);
//I am not doing anything with selection method because you can clear the
//the selected features later.. you can do whatever you'd like though
//the 3rd parameter is a function that you can
//use to handle the response from the server
//if you loaded all the features from the feature layer, you could avoid calling
//the server but that has its own limitations and slowdowns
//also the 2nd null is another call back for errors
console.log('Selection Query: ' + query.where);
function selectFinished(response){
//do whatever you need to with your response
//the response will be an object and you can dig into the attributes or geometry to get
//the features it returns. Then you can make your temp layer and add it into map
Hopefully that makes sense. You can't directly handle the selection because it is sending an AJAX request to your server where the data gets queried. Once your server has prepared and sent back the requested information, you can then process it. Many of ESRI's API functions include parameters for a callback function to handle the return from the server.
For more info on selecting features from a feature layer, look at The documentation for selectFeatures
Also, there is a typo (extra comma) on line 79 where you didn't remove it when you commented out the infoTemplate and id.