I'm trying to export attributes of multiple shapefiles a text file. I am multiple getting errors when I run my code not sure what the issue is. Any direction as to where to start to fix this would be helpful.

File "C:\users\Export.py", line 7, in fclist = arcpy.ListFields(table) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy__init__.py", line 1119, in ListFields return gp.listFields(dataset, wild_card, field_type) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\geoprocessing_base.py", line 344, in listFields self._gp.ListFields(*gp_fixargs(args, True))) RuntimeError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.

Heres my code: import arcpy from arcpy import env

arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\user\\rainfiles"
table = "C:\\user\\rain_files"
outWorkspace = "C:\\user"
fclist = arcpy.ListFields(table)
field_names = [field.name for field in fclist] 
for field in fclist:
    with open(r'C:\\user\\Exports.txt', 'w') as f:
        for field in fclist:
            f.write(field + '\n')
with open(r'C:\\user\\Exports.txt', 'r') as f:
    w = csv.writer(f) 
    for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(table):  
        field_vals = [row.getValue(field.name) for field in fclist]  
    del row  
  • 1
    is "C:\\user\\rain_files" a coverage? if not, table is a folder and doesn't have fields to list, you will probably need to do something like for ThisFC in arcpy.ListDatasets(): to supply the dataset to list the fields from. Commented May 6, 2015 at 0:15
  • 1
    In reading the exception messages from top to bottom, you'll see ListFields isn't happy. At the bottom is the exception type, an IOError would imply the data doesn't exist, a RuntimeError like you have, suggests it's not a valid data source (I'd guess table is a folder).
    – DWynne
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 0:43

1 Answer 1


As I mentioned in the comments, ListFields on an invalid data source is the probable cause. There are several other issues that are going to trip you up once you solve that though. I took a rough pass at the code

import arcpy
import csv

table = r'your_input'
output = r'your_output'

fields = arcpy.ListFields(table)
field_names = [field.name for field in fields if field.type != 'Geometry'] 

with open(output, 'w') as f:
    w = csv.writer(f) 
    for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(table):  
        field_vals = [row.getValue(field) for field in field_names]  
    del row

If you're using at least 10.1, you'd be better off using arcpy.da.SearchCursor.

import arcpy
import csv

table = r'your_input'
output = r'your_output'

fields = arcpy.ListFields(table)
field_names = [field.name for field in fields if field.type != 'Geometry'] 

with open(output, 'w') as f:
    w = csv.writer(f) 
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, field_names) as cursor:  
        for row in cursor:

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