I have some problems with opening a link in ArcGIS API. I have my popup window where LAT, LONG and LINK are shown.

function addPoint(evt) {
        var latitude = evt.mapPoint.getLatitude();
        var longitude = evt.mapPoint.getLongitude();
        var link = "<a href='http://www.google.com'>Google</a>";
        "lat: " + latitude.toFixed(7) + "<br> lon: " + longitude.toFixed(7) + "<br> Room: " + link
        map.infoWindow.show(evt.mapPoint, map.getInfoWindowAnchor(evt.screenPoint));


Here is the image example However when I click on the link nothing happens (no redirection or opening in new window). I tried to add window.open() to open the link,

var link = "<a href='http://www.google.com'>Google Office</a>";
        on(link, 'click', openLink);
        function openLink(){

but then I get the error message

Uncaught Error: Target must be an event emitter

1 Answer 1


i couldn't reproduce the behavior you describe in my own application (see example here), but i did see problems in a jsbin until i added target='_blank' to force the new page to open in a new tab so maybe you're running into something similar in your own application.

"<a target='_blank' href='http://www.esri.com'>link</a>"

(working jsbin example here)

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