I am running PostGIS on an Ubuntu server. I am able to add the Topology extension via CREATE EXTENSION, but when I try to use it as anything other than an admin I am denied permission.
I ran GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA topology TO public, as suggested in this chain. When I run CreateTopology() I get a permissions error like the following:
ERROR: permission denied for sequence topology_id_seq
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function topology.createtopology(character varying,integer,double precision,boolean) line 17 at FOR over SELECT rows
I'm guessing this means that I need to monkey with more permissions on the topology schema. However,
- That seems an odd design flaw. Shouldn't the Topology extension automatically take care of permissions when it is created, just like the PostGIS extension does for the spatial_ref_sys table?
- I'm not sure how far down the permissions rabbit hole I need to go in order to make the extension usable.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?
Here's the output of SELECT postgis_full_version() from the regular user:
"POSTGIS="2.1.5 r13152" GEOS="3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.11.2, released 2015/02/10" LIBXML="2.9.1" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" TOPOLOGY RASTER"