I'm using the leaflet-gpx plugin to draw various .gpx files on my map. How can I change the color/style of it?

gpxvar[{{loop.index0}}] = new L.GPX("{{url_for('static', filename='gpx/' + r )}}", {
        async: true,
        marker_options: {
            startIconUrl: "{{url_for('static', filename='img/pin-icon-start.png')}}",
            endIconUrl: "{{url_for('static', filename='img/pin-icon-end.png')}}",
            shadowUrl: "{{url_for('static', filename='img/pin-shadow.png')}}"

gpxvar is my L.GPX object, I tried the below code but it didn't change anything, any pointers?

var highlightStyle = {
    color: '#9b1d41',
    weight: 3,
    opacity: 0.6,
    fillOpacity: 0.65,
    fillColor: '#9b1d41'
  • it might have to do with the order i do things as once the page is loaded, doing a gpxvar[0].setStyle({color: 'red'}) changes well the color....
    – euri10
    Commented Dec 11, 2015 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


ok it seems like as L.GPX extends L.featureGroup and that the latter has a setStyle method, one should just have to pass it while creating it. looking at the code it defaults to blue using polyline_options

so my code added it and I got different colors now :

var colors = ['red', 'purple'];
gpxvar[{{loop.index0}}] = new L.GPX("{{url_for('static', filename='gpx/' + r )}}", {
        async: true,
        marker_options: {
            startIconUrl: "{{url_for('static', filename='img/pin-icon-start.png')}}",
            endIconUrl: "{{url_for('static', filename='img/pin-icon-end.png')}}",
            shadowUrl: "{{url_for('static', filename='img/pin-shadow.png')}}"
        polyline_options: {color: colors[{{loop.index0}}]}


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