I wrote this following several examples but it is still wrong. I need to populate a new field based on 5 ranges of values.

    def marks(Wards for try.JHRatio ): 
  if (Wards for try.JHRatio <= 50): 
     return 0
  elif Wards for try.JHRatio >50 and Wards for try.JHRatio <= 90):
     return 1
  elif (Wards for try.JHRatio >90 and  Wards for try.JHRatio <= 110):
     return 2
  elif (Wards for try.JHRatio >= 110 and  Wards for try.JHRatio <= 500):
     return 1
  elif (Wards for try.JHRatio > 500):
     return 0

    marks(!Wards for Try.JHRatio!)
  • You are missing a ( in the first elif.
    – MaryBeth
    Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 20:06
  • It would be helpful to see what your error message is in order to help solve
    – MaryBeth
    Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 20:07
  • Thank you! I added the (, but it still doesn't work. Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 20:12
  • The message says that 'Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. Error 000989: Python syntax error: Parsing error SyntaxError: invalid syntax (line 1). Failed to execute (CalculateField).' Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 20:14
  • Where did you find your examples? The try nested within your if statements doesn't seem right.
    – MaryBeth
    Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 20:21

1 Answer 1


you should use a simple variable name in your function : spaces will cause syntax errors (by the way, I recommend avoiding spaces in file names). it also makes your code more readable. Note that you do not need to do the ">" tests in your case, because the if statement already handle it.

   def marks(myfield): 
      if myfield <= 50: 
         return 0
      elif  myfield <= 90:
         return 1
      elif myfield <= 110:
         return 2
      elif myfield <= 500:
         return 1
         return 0

    marks(!Wards for Try.JHRatio!)
  • please do not ask questions inside comments. Make sure that the question hasn't been answered before, then ask a new question.
    – radouxju
    Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 6:12

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