I am wondering if there is a way to create a .vrt using a shapefile, but specifying attributes through a where clause. I have made a .vrt from a sub section shapefile (pre selected the tiles and exported as a new file) using the following:

 gdalbuildvrt -tileindex fullpath output.vrt area4.shp

But I would like to not have to create new shapefiles based on selected areas, so something like:

 gdalbuildvrt -tileindex fullpath WHERE areaid = 4 output.vrt area4.shp

Any advice?

1 Answer 1


Create vrt file with gdalbuildvrt and hand edit it afterwards as in the SQLite/Spatialite SQL dialect (GDAL >=1.10.0) example in the document page of the VRT driver http://www.gdal.org/drv_vrt.html. What you need to do is to add into the layer definion this:

<SrcSQL dialect="sqlite">SELECT * from area4 where areaid=4</SrcSQL>
  • So would this be a two staged process? Create vrt, then edit? Or is this a single operation? Commented Feb 5, 2016 at 17:26
  • With two steps. But I am not sure if it would work because I thought that you were playing with OGR VRT gdal.org/drv_vrt.html but actually you have rasters gdal.org/gdal_vrttut.html. Anyway, you can create a vector vrt with SrcSQL and you that vrt as a tileindex for gdalbuildvrt.
    – user30184
    Commented Feb 5, 2016 at 19:24

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