I'm new to the GIS world, and using ArcGIS 10, so please forgive me if this is a simple question. I have DTED files (level 2) that I have placed into a mosaic dataset, and I'm trying to determine which DTEDs intersect a polygon in another layer. I'm using python, and used the SelectLayerByLocation method, but am having trouble getting the results from it.
I can't use the CopyFeatures method (which is what's in all the examples) because it's probably returning a mosaic layer instead of feature. I also tried the Copy method, but that didn't work either.
Any suggestions?
Here's that part of my code:
arcpy.MakeMosaicLayer_management('CreateMosaicDataset', 'mosaic_lyr')
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("mosaic_lyr", "INTERSECT", buffershape)
# If features matched criterias write them to a new feature class
arcpy.Copy_management("mosaic_lyr", "DTEDs_for_Shape")
My solution was:
# Create a Mosaic Layer from the mosaic dataset
arcpy.MakeMosaicLayer_management('CreateMosaicDataset', 'mosaic_lyr')
# Select DTEDs intersecting the polygon
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("mosaic_lyr/Footprint", "INTERSECT", buffershape)
# write selected features to a new feature class
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("mosaic_lyr/Footprint", "DTEDs_for_Shape")