It is possible to run CloudMetrics
as a first round to get the maximum height, and then, run it again specifying strata
with the desired intervals. The trick is to automate such process.
I did it using the software R, but you can do it using other software (I guess even directly from the command prompt window).
I assume you already have one cylinder per lidar file, and also that the point clouds are normalized. If not, you will find help in:
First, let's exemplify how it would be considering just one lidar file. Here is the code, properly commented.
#Call Cloudmetrics .exe file from R. Change file paths and file names accordingly.
system("c:\\fusion\\cloudmetrics c:\\input\\file1.las c:\\output\\file1_temp.csv")
#Import CloudMetrics output in R.
cloudmetrics1 = read.csv("c:\\output\\file1_temp.csv",sep=",")
#Get maximum height from CloudMetrics output in 15th column. Perhaps you'll need to tweak the column number.
max_height = cloudmetrics1[1,15]
#Set the vertical layers range.
layer_range = max_height/5
#Get strata values to be used in the second CloudMetrics run.
strata_value = c(layer_range,2*layer_range,3*layer_range,4*layer_range)
#Call Cloudmetrics again, but now using the switch
#'strata' to specify which breaks for the vertical layers.
system(paste("c:\\fusion\\cloudmetrics /strata:[0,1,",
"] c:\\input\\file1.las c:\\output\\file1.csv",sep=""))
Now, the same code, but with a for loop that will automate the process. Note that the name of the input files need to have some kind of ID to be identified inside the loop.
#Loop through the las files with names 'file#.las' where # is equal some integer number.
#The example below loop through two las files named file1.las and file2.las, respectively.
for (i in c(1:2)){
system(paste("c:\\fusion\\cloudmetrics c:\\input\\file",i,".las c:\\output\\file",i,"_temp.csv", sep=""))
cloudmetrics1 = read.csv(paste("c:\\output\\file",i,"_temp.csv",sep=""),sep=",")
max_height = cloudmetrics1[1,15]
layer_range = max_height/5
strata_value = c(layer_range,2*layer_range,3*layer_range,4*layer_range)
system(paste("c:\\fusion\\cloudmetrics /strata:[0,1,",
"] c:\\input\\file",i,".las c:\\output\\file",i,".csv",sep=""))
The csv outputs will contain the number and proportion of all returns in each layer specified.
You may continue using R to organize the generated statistics in one table, and continue the processing workflow from there.