I used train svg for a point layer (C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis\svg\transport\transport_train_station2.svg) and have used the GeoServer Explorer Plugin to publish the layer on geoserver. But I run into this issue
> Error uploading SVG icon to GeoServer: 404 Client Error: Not Found
> Traceback (most recent call last): File
> "xxx/.qgis2/python/plugins\geoserverexplorer\gui\explorer.py", line
> 98, in run
> command(*params) File "xxx/.qgis2/python/plugins\geoserverexplorer\qgis\catalog.py", line
> 141, in publishStyle
> self.uploadIcons(icons) File "xxx/.qgis2/python/plugins\geoserverexplorer\qgis\catalog.py", line
> 157, in uploadIcons
> raise Exception ("Error uploading SVG icon to GeoServer:\n" + str(e)) Exception: Error uploading SVG icon to GeoServer: 404 Client
> Error: Not Found
I copied SVG file directly to data_dir\styles of geoserver and tried to upload SLD directly (created following burg example) from geoserver interface - still this image is not getting uploaded.