I am a complete beginner with CartoDB.
Somebody else in our organisation has created a CartoDB map of New Zealand. They created the map by interacting with the CartoDB web site. They didn't upload a config file or use POST /api/v1/map/named
as described in the Carto named maps documentation (sorry, insufficient reputation to link to that).
And yet it is a map and it has a name - so in a plain English sense, it's a named map. Also the config (its CSS and SQL queries) seems to be stored on the server - which ties in with what I've read about CartoDB named maps.
I need to get information from this map. The method I use is partly determined by whether it's a named map.
The map I'm starting with looks like this when I browse our organisation's maps:
When I click on that thumbnail I'm show stuff like this:
Is it a "named map"?
Bonus question (for additional gratitude or up-votes, whichever I can provide)
How can I add auth tokens for this map?