I'm looking for an interactive map that shows ONLY administrative divisions of a country. I need to personalize it so when the user clicks a region, the map shows some information about it. If it comes in colors and animations, it would be better. Is there a way I can achieve this? I've seen around and I found very good maps but maybe they show additional geographic information that is really good but might not be relevant for my web application (PHP). One more thing: I'm avoiding the use of Flash and Java Applets. Thanks.


4 Answers 4


If you don't mind creating your own application you could make use of the natural earth data (http://www.naturalearthdata.com/). The quality is excellent and breaks down to state-/province-level. Additionally, the data has a lot of attribute information.

  • Do you know if this is different from the Global Admin Boundaries? gadm.org
    – djq
    Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 18:14

The US Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit recently released a new data set, the Large Scale International Boundaries. Available at https://hiu.state.gov/data/data.aspx


Can you just load the world data and then use this information to create a list of keywords from the attribute table ?


See if this is what you were looking for ?



For the UK all administrative boundaries are available for free from Ordnance Survey.

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