I have a public WFS, from which I want to make a selection to save in a custom feature class.

I have made an interoperability connection, chosen the right feature classes to display, set the maximum number of features to 60 000 and set a search envelope. However, the connection doesn't display the polygons from the right area, but only the area around it (seems like). Also, despite setting a feature limit of 60 000, only 15 000 features are loaded. screenshots

As expected, Esri's online help is not a help at all.

I don't have the interoperability extension, just using what's there in stock ArcMap.

  • Any logs, what arcgis sends and what you receive?
    – ulrich
    Commented Apr 26, 2016 at 12:38

1 Answer 1


The answer here was pretty simple: the WFS provider chose to set a limit to the number of features requested, which was at 15000, so that's why I wasn't able to get more than that.

Still there's something buggy in ESRI's conveyance of the WFS as I got features from outside the search envelope. However, after contacting UK ESRI support, they told me you HAVE to tick the clip to search envelope box, otherwise it won't work properly. This sounded to me as a bug, but they assured me it is a feature.

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