I use PostgreSQL for storing data. I want to create map based on it using JTS. I want to create geometry object from list of rows. Such geometry object to used as draw polygon,point etc.

1 Answer 1


The easiest way (in my opinion) is to use GeoTools, if you follow the quickstart tutorial you will see how to draw the features of a shapefile on the screen using swing. Then all you need to do is change the input datastore to use PostGIS (a simple change to the parameters) and you are done.

  • i don't want to use GeoTools .Because Created data Render In browser so .any other Solution Jts create Geometry Object From Geom Column of Postgresql Database.
    – manoj
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 12:04
  • please edit your question to clarify what you want to do
    – Ian Turton
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 12:13
  • i want just create geometry Object using JTS API and those Geometry Comes From DataBase. Geometry Contains Lost of Rows....
    – manoj
    Commented May 5, 2016 at 6:26

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