I am using PostGIS (PostGIS 2.2.0 with SFCGAL extension) and I have data in postgres which is loaded using citygml2psql tool and it contains polyhedralSurface geometry.
But when i run query :
SELECT "gid",ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform("geom"::geometry,3946),0, 1) AS "geom" FROM "public"."citygml"
in pgadmin3 it gives an error :
ERROR: lwgeom_to_geojson: 'PolyhedralSurface' geometry type not supported
********** Error **********
ERROR: lwgeom_to_geojson: 'PolyhedralSurface' geometry type not supported
SQL state: XX000
I found one question related to this here : GeoJSON: PolyhedralSurface geometry type not supported
But i want some fix for postgis as I can't change my query and need data in GeoJSON.