My code for labels look like this:

 def FindLabel ( [NAME_GEO] ): 
  if [NAME_GEO]=="Tbilisi" :
     return "<BOL><FNT size ='14'>" + [NAME_GEO] + "</FNT></BOL>"
  elif [NAME_GEO]=="soxumi" :
     return "<BOL><FNT size ='12'>" + [NAME_GEO] + "</FNT></BOL>"
  elif [NAME_GEO]=="baTumi" :
     return "<BOL><FNT size ='12'>" + [NAME_GEO] + "</FNT></BOL>"
     return [NAME_GEO]

It works but as you can see there are two 'elif' statements for cities, which are pretty much the same. If I wish to have more city names with same label properties as it is for "soxumi" and "baTumi", I would need to add more 'elif' statements.
I wanted to change code, so there would be only one 'elif' statement for "soxumi", "baTumi" and any other cities, however I failed... could anyone suggest how to do it?

1 Answer 1

def FindLabel ( [NAME_GEO] ): 
  if [NAME_GEO]=="Tbilisi" :
     return "<BOL><FNT size ='14'>" + [NAME_GEO] + "</FNT></BOL>"
  elif [NAME_GEO] in ("soxumi", "baTumi") :
     return "<BOL><FNT size ='12'>" + [NAME_GEO] + "</FNT></BOL>"
     return [NAME_GEO]

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