Using ogr2ogr, how to keep the geometry when converting to CSV?
( Nothing relevant here: )
$ ogr2ogr -f "CSV" MyLayer.csv MyLayer.geojson
Here is the begin of the result file:
$ head -n4 MyLayer.csv
677406,145477,0,AB94,51,rocks � distribute
267075,145400,0,AB94,47,road acces � distribute
101700,145434,0,AB94,47,road acces � distribute
I would like to keep the geometry (X,Y) on the two first columns for example:
$ head -n4 MyLayer.csv
152.282,635.743,677406,145477,0,AB94,51,rocks � distribute
150.624,632.052,267075,145400,0,AB94,47,road acces � distribute
151.194,631.049,101700,145434,0,AB94,47,road acces � distribute
And I encountered an error if I translate the same data but as a shapefile (or a *.mif Mapinfo file) to CSV:
$ ogr2ogr -f "CSV" MyLayer2.csv MyLayer.shp
FAILED: Layer MyLayer already exists, and -append not specified.
Consider using -append, or -overwrite.
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer MyLayer (use -skipfailures to skip errors)
It seems it absolutely wants to keep using the previously named file (from the conversion from the GeoJSON file above).
Usage of ogr2ogr:
Usage: ogr2ogr [--help-general] [-skipfailures] [-append] [-update]
[-select field_list] [-where restricted_where]
[-progress] [-sql <sql statement>] [-dialect dialect]
[-preserve_fid] [-fid FID]
[-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-geomfield field]
[-a_srs srs_def] [-t_srs srs_def] [-s_srs srs_def]
[-f format_name] [-overwrite] [[-dsco NAME=VALUE] ...]
dst_datasource_name src_datasource_name
[-lco NAME=VALUE] [-nln name] [-nlt type] [-dim 2|3|layer_dim] [layer [layer ...]]