I'm looking out for a way to batch export to PDF or image many composers spread in many QGS projects, the same way the plugin Map Printer does, but on a large number of projects at the same time. There's no modification needed, i just need to batch export them all.
The manual solution we have right now is to open each project and launch Map printer plugin within each, but it's too long.
A similar question would be for example Arcgis batch export from mxd to PDF but within QGIS.
****THE WORKING ANSWER FROM @Germán Carrillo (below) ****
You can as well follow the instructions mentioned in his answer and/or go to his Github space : https://github.com/gacarrillor/QGIS-Resources.git
In the processing panel of QGIS, go to the Script Area, click on Tools, then double-click on "Create new script". Paste this code into the resulting windows. you can change the first two lines to fit your need or naming preferences :
##Batch_Export_QGS_folder = name
##Extension=selection PDF format (*.pdf *.PDF);JPG format (*.jpg *.JPG);JPEG format (*.jpeg *.JPEG);TIF format (*.tif *.TIF);TIFF format (*.tiff *.TIFF);PNG format (*.png *.PNG);BMP format (*.bmp *.BMP);ICO format (*.ico *.ICO);PPM format (*.ppm *.PPM));XBM format (*.xbm *.XBM);XPM format (*.xpm *.XPM)
import os.path
import glob
import qgis
from qgis.core import QgsProject
from PyQt4.QtCore import QFileInfo
from processing.core.GeoAlgorithmExecutionException import GeoAlgorithmExecutionException
if not Projects_folder or not Output_folder:
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Please specify both, projects folder and output folder.")
# Settings
projectPaths = glob.glob( os.path.join( Projects_folder, '*.qgs' ) )
if not 'MapsPrinter' in qgis.utils.plugins:
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("The 'Maps Printer' plugin is required!")
mp = qgis.utils.plugins['MapsPrinter']
project = QgsProject.instance()
qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().setRenderFlag( False )
extension = formats[Extension]
# Do the work!
for projectPath in projectPaths:
qgis.utils.iface.newProject() # Needed to reset composer manager
project.read( QFileInfo( projectPath ) )
progress.setInfo( projectPath + " project read!" )
progress.setPercentage( count * 100 / len( projectPaths ) )
for composer in qgis.utils.iface.activeComposers():
progress.setInfo( " Composer found: " + composer.composerWindow().windowTitle() )
title = composer.composerWindow().windowTitle()
title = project.fileInfo().baseName() + '_' + title
mp.exportCompo( composer, Output_folder, title, extension )
progress.setInfo( " Composer exported!" )
qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().setRenderFlag( True )