I am trying to create a shapefile from a .csv file in R. I can successfully create a working shapefile with this code, but when I try to view the attribute table for it in arcMap 10.4, the table only contains columns for objectID, latitude, and longitude. I need the info in the other columns for symbolizing the data correctly.
Is there a way to specify which columns of the data to keep in the shapefile?
(I know how to make a data frame into a shapefile within arcMap, but I would like to automate this step in R if possible.)
site <- c("a","b","c","d")
prop_c <- c(0.88,0.48,0.15,0.47)
prop_b <- c(0.17,0.18,0.09,0.08)
minus_c <- 1-prop_c
minus_b <- 1-prop_b
lat <- c(44.22,38.38,33.35,43.48)
long <- c(-124.45, -123.70, -124.40, -124.05)
MyData <- cbind.data.frame(site, prop_c, prop_b, minus_c, minus_b, lat, long)
#convert data to shapefile
WGScoor<- MyData #data to convert
coordinates(WGScoor)=~long+lat #column names of the lat long cols
proj4string(WGScoor)<- CRS("++proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") # set coordinate system to WGS
WGScoor.df <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(WGScoor, data.frame(id=1:length(WGScoor)))
LLcoor.df=SpatialPointsDataFrame(LLcoor, data.frame(id=1:length(LLcoor)))
writeOGR(LLcoor.df, dsn=getwd(),layer="MyShapefile",driver="ESRI Shapefile")
#successfully creates shapefile that opens in arcGIS,
#but shapefile does not include other columns in original data frame