The background to this question comes from a specific requirement I have in trying manage borehole (point) data.
Currently I have an MSAccess database which holds borehole information, the key data being borehole name, x, y, z, and total depth. My desire at the moment is to be able to have the boreholes in the database link directly to QGIS so I don't have to export weekly CSV's from Access to update the current borehole shapefile, or create a new shapefile.
I would just like the link to exist so that when I add a new borehole in the database, it will add into my mapping workspace also.
As I have searched for ways to 'live' link to my MSAccess datasheet however I keep finding references to using a spatial database for my data. What I don't understand is how a spatial database, like PostGIS which I see mentioned a lot, practically varies from my current database.
Does a spatial database such as PostGIS hold table data with z,y,z, and other attributes, or does it hold the actual spatial files, i.e. shp files.
If it does hold the actual files then how does that work in with the folder structure I currently use to store my GIS data?
I have spent the last couple of weeks searching and reading but I fear there is some logic gap I am just not making to put together how these pieces all relate and are used effectively.