I have a point shapefile with a high number of attribute fields. For a single point, there is only 1 of these attribute fields completed, the others have a "NULL" value for that point. The field name for which a value is available is furthermore defined in the field "Blockname".
So, for point 1, the value in the field "Blockname" is OVSTNP_180. In the field "OVSTNP_180" (and only in this field), there is a value listed (e.g. 741).
In order to label the points, I would like to create a field "label" where this value (741 in the example above) is calculated. Which expression do I need to use (in ArcGIS)?
I assumed that, for example in ArcGIS, I could state something like this: Label= ["[Blockname]"] but that does not work...