I was provided with a INTERLIS 2.3 model as .ili file, and nothing else.
As far as I understand it, I should:
- create a .imd meta file using ili2c.jar or the interlis Import/Export plugin by Pirmin Kalberer, i.e. the "Ili Model -> IlisMeta" tool
- export an XML-file from the meta file (i.e. .xtf or .xml), encapsulating the data structure but no content yet using ili2pg.jar
- import this structure into a postgreSQL / PostGIS database
- create shapefiles (point, line, and polygon) using ogr2ogr.jar, which are (probably) already linked to the PostGIS DB
- create the features (i.e., points, lines, polygons) and
- use QGIS forms to fill the linked database with attributes
I already fail at the first point. Java delivers a .NullPointerException
, and the plugin doesn't create any output without a warning or an error.
How do I produce the necessary files properly?
I'm completely new to INTERLIS, and might have misunderstood some concepts, but would be happy if someone could point me to the right ressources to get to productive GIS layers from an .ili file. I'm running QGIS 2.14.8-Essen (LTR), and the INTERLIS model in question is not (yet) published.