I have two geojson files - NYCSample
and censusTracts
. Each census tract contains a population attribute (integer). My objective is to multiply the population attribute by the % area of intersection / total area of tract that NYCSample
intersects. For example, we see that the sample layer intersects 6 census tracts. If each of the census tracts contain 100 people, then the output should be 100 * (% of intersection).
Using the st_area(st_intersection())
functions in PostGIS, how would one output a table with population adjusted for % of area intersected?
So far, I've written this query but am not sure how to create a separate pop_adjusted
CREATE TABLE test_join
SELECT t.*, m.*
FROM censusTracts AS t , NYCSample AS m
WHERE ST_Intersects(t.geom, m.geom)
ST_Area(ST_Intersection(t.geom, m.geom))