I'm trying to use lidar point X, Y, and Z coordinates (from .las files) in calculations. I'm using Python 2.7.13 (x64), with laspy 1.5.0.

Reading attributes one at a time with the following is amazingly fast:

inFile = laspy.file.File(las_file, mode="r")

x = inFile.X

But things slow down considerably when concatenating different single-attribute ndarrays into one array with the following (for example, when getting nx3 array of positions):

coords = np.array((inFile.X, inFile.Y, inFile.Z)).transpose()

I see in Inserting LiDAR points (from laspy) in GeoDataFrame without using a numpy array? that getting inFile.X, inFile.Y, and inFile.Z is as fast as it is because they're numpy-wrapped memory views with little copying going on.

Is there a way to create numpy-wrapped memory views containing multiple attributes, so time doesn't need to be spent copying multiple single attributes to one array, on top of doing something with that array?


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