I would like to know how to handle ee.Imagecollection output for mosaic. I am trying to use AOI shapefile to identify the Landsat TM 5 imagery.
var start= ee.Date('1987-01-01');
var end = ee.Date('1988-01-01');
var collection= ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LT5')
.filterBounds(fc)//fc is shapefile variable
// .filterBounds(city)
.filterDate(start, end)
print ('ImageCollection', collection);
which results in
ImageCollection LANDSAT/LT5 (6 elements)
type: ImageCollection
version: 1502218468957000
bands: []
features: List (6 elements)
properties: Object (17 properties)
then I use following function to mosaic it.
var customComposite = ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleComposite({
collection: collection,
percentile: 10,
cloudScoreRange: 5
The output is single mosaic image, but how I can know which images were used for mosaic and How I can run mosaic on the all 6 elements?