With sp package I generate automatically boundaries for different sets of spatial points. I'm trying to perform the same workflow with sf package but i had problems for detecting holes in the way sp does. To this dataset i calculate a set of lines that make up the boundary and the inner ring, merge the lines and convert to polygon. This is what i do with sp:

# ln.lns is the list of 'Lines' (mentioned above) as defined by sp
splns1 <- SpatialLines(LinesList = ln.lns,
          proj4string = "+proj=utm +zone=20 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
splns2 <- gLineMerge(splns1)
sp3 <- SpatialLines2PolySet(splns2)
sp4 <- PolySet2SpatialPolygons(sp3)
sp5 <- createSPComment(sp4)
plot(sp4, col = "blue", axes = T)
plot(p1p, pch = 1, add = T)

This results in sp5 being a SpatialPolygons as desired: a hole in the middle and not another polygon:

polygon with points When i try to implement the equivalent procedure with sf, it creates a polygon in the middle and not a hole:

splns1 <- st_sfc(ln.lns, crs = "+proj=utm +zone=20 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
splns2 <- st_combine(splns1)
splns3 <- st_line_merge(splns2)
sp3 <- st_polygonize(splns3)
plot(sp3, col = "blue", axes = T)
plot(p1, add=T)

sf polygons without hole

What can I do to arrive at the same result in sf being that it should be able to run unsupervised?

(Update 9/11/2017)

This two data frames have the start and end points for the lines in the boundary. Below I put how I compute the lines in each package:

lon <- data.frame(x1 = c(438867.9, 438907.3, 438900.2, 438893.1, 438886.1, 
438879.1, 438903.7, 438941.8, 438935.1, 438928.2, 438921.3,
438910.3, 438941.8, 438951.9, 438931.4, 438931.4, 438877.6, 438864.1, 
438864.1, 438877.6, 438936.0, 438915.7,
438882.2, 438869.1, 438869.1, 438909.0, 438922.4, 438953.2, 438952.5, 
438945.9, 438939.4, 438933.1, 438927.0,
438920.9, 438914.9, 438908.6, 438902.2, 438895.8, 438889.4, 438882.9, 
438876.4, 438858.0, 438865.0, 438907.3,
438942.5, 438882.2, 438936.0, 438858.0, 438951.9, 438954.4),
x2 = c(438869.8, 438900.2, 438893.1, 438886.1, 438879.1, 438872.0, 438897.2, 
438935.1, 438928.2, 438921.3, 438914.4,
438903.7, 438942.5, 438945.3, 438910.3, 438931.8, 438897.2, 438860.7, 
438865.0, 438878.9, 438931.8, 438909.0,
438878.9, 438865.0, 438867.9, 438902.6, 438915.7, 438954.4, 438945.9, 
438939.4, 438933.1, 438927.0, 438920.9,
438914.9, 438908.6, 438902.2, 438895.8, 438889.4, 438882.9, 438876.4, 
438869.8, 438860.7, 438872.0, 438914.4,
438945.3, 438902.6, 438922.4, 438865.0, 438953.2, 438952.5))
lat <- data.frame(y1 = c(5991927, 5991829, 5991830, 5991831, 5991832, 
5991833, 5991848, 5991825, 5991826, 5991827, 5991828, 5991847, 5991825,
5991879, 5991864, 5991864, 5991871, 5991873, 5991873, 5991871, 5991898, 
5991921, 5991905, 5991906, 5991906, 5991922,
5991920, 5991895, 5991935, 5991936, 5991936, 5991937, 5991938, 5991939, 
5991940, 5991940, 5991941, 5991942, 5991943,
5991944, 5991944, 5991835, 5991834, 5991829, 5991843, 5991905, 5991898, 
5991835, 5991879, 5991916),
y2 = c(5991945, 5991830, 5991831, 5991832, 5991833, 5991834, 5991848, 
5991826, 5991827, 5991828, 5991829, 5991848, 5991843,
5991862, 5991847, 5991881, 5991848, 5991853, 5991890, 5991888, 5991881, 
5991922, 5991888, 5991890, 5991927, 5991923,
5991921, 5991916, 5991936, 5991936, 5991937, 5991938, 5991939, 5991940, 
5991940, 5991941, 5991942, 5991943, 5991944,
5991944, 5991945, 5991853, 5991834, 5991829, 5991862, 5991923, 5991920, 
5991834, 5991895, 5991935))

Creating the list of lines with sp:

ln.lns <- lapply(X = 1:nrow(lon),
             FUN = function(x) Lines(list(Line(cbind(c(lon[x, 1], lon[x, 2]),
                                                     c(lat[x, 1], lat[x, 2])))),
                                     ID = paste0("ln", x)))

Creating the list of lines with sf:

ln.lns <- lapply(X = 1:nrow(lon),
             FUN = function(x) st_linestring(cbind(c(lon[x, 1], lon[x, 2]),
                                                   c(lat[x, 1], lat[x, 2])),
                                             dim = "XY"))
  • can you show how you get your lines object from your points?
    – Spacedman
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 7:16
  • just for fun I tried a "finite element" approach to this here rpubs.com/cyclemumner/306128
    – mdsumner
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 10:14
  • @mdsumner fun (and sfdct is new to me!) but doesn't really help. We still need to know how the lines are constructed, since these define the polygon, and in the general case might not be the largest hole in the triangulation!
    – Spacedman
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 18:50
  • @Spacedman i edited the post with the coordinates of the lines segments
    – viridio
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 3:10
  • Anyway @mdsumner i liked your approach with finite element, seems much simpler and straightforward, do you think it should work in most cases?
    – viridio
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 3:10

1 Answer 1


The problem is that you have created a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION which can be an unstructured set of linear features, in other words there's no concept of holes and islands.

What you want is a MULTIPOLYGON. So first cast your lines to MULTIPOLYGON:

> stc = st_cast(splns2,"MULTIPOLYGON")

This doesn't work if your rings are in the wrong direction, so fix that up by making it valid:

> stv = st_make_valid(stc)
> plot(stv,col="blue")

holey polygon Batman

As per Edzer's comment on r-sig-geo, conversion to MULTIPOLYGON and a round-trip via sp objects seems to work in the absence of liblwgeom:

  • I'll have to take your word on that as I'm using a the Windows binary version of the sf package and it says st_make_valid requires compilation against liblwgeom
    – viridio
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 20:50
  • I've been trying to workaround this but had no luck. Can you help in compiling sf in Windows linked to libwlgeom or should i make a separte post?
    – viridio
    Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 13:06
  • Might be an idea to raise it as an issue here: github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues
    – Spacedman
    Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 13:12
  • Some discussion here: github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/67
    – Spacedman
    Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 13:15

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