My problem relates to how polar projections can be 'recreated' within Mapbox, although officially Mapbox only supports the Web Mercator projection. A working example of how it can work can be found here:
However, I am unclear from their blog description how GeoJSON files were successfully incorporated onto the map. For background layers such as a coastline I am able to reproject and assign a Web Mercator projection (ogr2ogr -a_srs EPSG:3857
) and upload these shapefiles to Mapbox as tilesets fine.
Applying the same process to convert ice extent shapefiles into GeoJSON files basically outputs a json file with coordinates written in metres (e.g., ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -a_srs EPSG:3857 B3C__2273_WM.json B3C__2273_PS.shp
). When uploading to Mapbox an error message indicates that the units are not acceptable and should be degrees (Input failed. Datasets don't support features outside longitude +/-180, latitude +/-90.).
Example data:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "Id": 0 }, "geometry": { "type":
"MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -313218.45268004813,
-2070401.2551701278, 259.16299999999649 ], ...
My question then is how is it possible to import GeoJSON files into Mapbox that are projected in something like EPSG:3995 (polar stereographic), such as in the link above? I would like to manipulate the json data with a time slider, so I don't think uploading as shapefiles is a viable option in this case.
However, where all involved parties have a prior arrangement, alternative coordinate reference systems can be used without risk of data being misinterpreted.
But perhaps MapBox is not willing to make such "a prior arrangement".