I have a KML file called tracts.kml and a CSV called B01001A_007E_tract.csv in one directory.

I opened a command line in the folder and ran this:

ogr2ogr -sql "select tracts.*, B01001A_007E_tract.* from tracts left join 'B01001A_007E_tract.csv'.B01001A_007E_tract on tracts.Id2 = B01001A_007E_tract.StateCountyTractID" dst_tracts.kml tracts.kml

I got this message and error:

Warning: The target file has a 'kml' extension, which is normally used by the LIBKML, KML drivers,but the requested output driver is ESRI Shapefile. Is it really what you want ?

ERROR 1: SELECT from table tracts failed, no such table/featureclass.

What am I doing wrong?

  • 1
    The warning part is simple to fix, just define the outputformat with -f KML or -f LIBKML.
    – user30184
    Commented Dec 13, 2017 at 11:31

1 Answer 1


First, execute ogrinfo tracts.kml in order to keep note of the layer name, e.g. tracts (it could be different from the file name). Then append -f KML (because your output is a KML file) to the ogr2ogr command line and eventually replace tracts with the output of ogrinfo in the sql query.

  • In my case, I appended -f LIBKML
    – Username
    Commented Dec 14, 2017 at 0:06

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