I have this simple code that batch sieves all the raster in a given directory. I found outthat the resulting output files (241MB )are pretty much larger than the input(~31MB). In ArcGIS, there is a way to enable compression like LZW, how to do it it QGIS python? Is there a way to insert it in this code?

from qgis.core import * #importing the QGIS processing core
import os, subprocess, glob

input = "/data/brent/GAUP/sen2agri_two_years/"
output_dir = "/data/brent/GAUP/sen2agri_two_years/sieved//"

for fname in glob.glob("S2*.TIF"):
    print fname
    name= list(os.path.splitext(fname))
    name[0] = name[0] + "_sieved"
    newName = "".join(name)
    print "processing " + newName
    subprocess.call(["gdal_sieve.py", "-st", "20", "-4", fname, "-of", "GTiff", output_dir+newName])
  • 1
    I am not sure if the gdal_sieve python script accepts raster layer creation options. If it does you should pass -co COMPRESS=LZW as documented in gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html. Otherwise you can create a temporary output, perhaps info memory, and copy that into compressed tiff afterwards.
    – user30184
    Commented Feb 7, 2018 at 10:42
  • hello I tried editing the code at subprocess.cal portion: subprocess.call(["gdal_sieve.py", "-st", "300", "-4", fname, "-of", "GTiff", "-co", "COMPRESS=LZW", output_dir+newName]) But the code didn't work. Thanks. Any suggestion to improve my edits? Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 2:10
  • You could try to edit the gdal_sieve.py directly. Find where it initializes the output raster.
    – user30184
    Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 6:12

1 Answer 1


I add a few lines in my code using gdal_translate:

from qgis.core import * #importing the QGIS processing core
from qgis.utils import iface #importing the iface
import os, subprocess, glob

input = "/data/brent/GAUP/sen2agri_two_years/"
output_dir = "/data/brent/GAUP/sen2agri_two_years/sieved//"

#Main Process
for fname in glob.glob("S2*.TIF"):
    name= list(os.path.splitext(fname))
    name[0] = name[0] + "_sieved"
    newName = "".join(name)
    print "processing " + newName
    subprocess.call(["gdal_sieve.py", "-st", "20", "-8", fname, "-of", "GTiff",  output_dir+newName])
    output_dir2 = "/data/brent/GAUP/sen2agri_two_years/sieved//"
    newName2 = newName.replace("_sieved", "_com")
    subprocess.call(["gdal_translate", "-of", "GTiff", newName, output_dir2+newName2, "-co", "compress=LZW"])

print "Finished Sieving!"

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