Using esri javascript api 4.3 in an Angular 2 application.
I initially generate the map using this code:
OnInit() { = new Map({
basemap: 'streets'
}); FeatureLayer({
url: 'http://test/rest/services/Project_map/MapServer/0',
id: '0',
visible: true,
outFields: ["*"],
popupTemplate: this.jobsTemplate
this.view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
center: new Point({
x: -111.876,
y: 40.758,
zoom: 12,
rotation: 0
When a feature on the map is clicked I get a popup containing the values for that feature. That works fine.
There is also a table that has a row for each feature on the map.
When a table row is clicked, I execute the following code, passing into it the lat and long for that feature:
zoomToPoint(zoomLong: number, zoomLat: number) { = new Point({x: zoomLong, y: zoomLat});
this.view.zoom = 15;{location:});
I get a popup at the correct location. But, the popup is empty.
I want it to use the popupTemplate assigned to the feature layer and containing the values for the feature at that location.
Just like what happens if I click on the feature.