I am trying to convert SHP to GeoJSON to work with Google Maps API's data layers.
I am working with ogre (I also tried mapshaper, but it always give bad coordinates). When I convert SHP with WGS84 format, the conversion works fine. However when I try to convert MTM3 and UTM6 SHP formats to GeoJSON, the coordinates are all screwed up.
Bad coordinates example: {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[642014.75,4911335.859999999],[642005.96,4911335.92],[642005.6600000001,4911380.0600000005],[642003.6200000001,4911405.58] ...
I notice that on the ogre website, there are optional fields for Source SRS & Target SRS. Am I suppose to add something there to get UTM/MTM conversions to work?