I merged 102 Tiff files downloaded from ASTER: https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/.
They were each 17 MB, plus or minus. I merged them using the Processing toolbox/GDAL merge tool. I am trying to use the raster calculator on it, but I get an error message saying Insufficient memory available for the operation
. The pixel type is float 32, and I heard at my previous question that this may be making the file size too big.
About my computer:
7.8 GiB of memory
32 bit
483.8 GB disk space (128.5 used)
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
QGIS 2.18.11
I have tried changing the pixel type with GDAL Translate, but I get an error message saying no output file was created:
When I use r.mapcalc
to do the raster calculation, I click run and it seems to work, but no file is saved and no layer appears. I tried using both the name of the file in the Layers panel and its filename.
I could try merging the different rasters into small groups, but idoes anyone know an easier way?