Working in ArcGIS Pro with ArcPy, I'm trying to create a script that creates a density based clustering, performs a select layer by attribute on it and then takes the extent of that selection and use it for my layout.
When run as a script from my toolbox, the script runs without fail except that it doesn't select any features. If I paste the code into the Python window it works 100% correctly and actually selects the features.
My code looks something like this:
#Import necessary modules
import arcpy
import os
#Get project variables
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
aprx ='CURRENT')
maps = aprx.listMaps("Map")[0]
GDB = aprx.defaultGeodatabase
lyt = aprx.listLayouts("Boorpunten1")[0]
lyr = maps.listLayers("Boringen")[0]
mf = lyt.listElements("","Main")[0] = maps
#Group boringen for custom mapseries
arcpy.stats.DensityBasedClustering("Boringen", "Boringen_DBC", "HDBSCAN", 4, None, 50)
#Add the created layer to the map so it can be accessed by layer/layout functions
dbc2 ="\\Boringen_DBC", "Boringen_DBC").getOutput(0)
dbc = maps.listLayers("Boringen_DBC")[0]
#Select features and zoom the camera to those features, "NEW_SELECTION", "CLUSTER_ID = 1", None)
ex = mf.getLayerExtent(dbc, True, False)
What am I missing here? My guess is it has something to do with adding the newly created layer to the map document but I feel like I covered every aspect.
"\"CLUSTER_ID\" = 1"
is an integer field,"\"CLUSTER_ID\" = '1'"
if it is text.