MySQL 5.6 here. I'm storing GPS coordinates as MySQL Point
types in my DB and am trying to build a query that takes a single GPS coordinate (consisting of latitude
and longitude
components) and searches for any other table records that are within a given distance (in km) from that point.
I'm using this excellent StackOverflow answer as a model to start with.
Here's my table's description:
mysql> describe locations;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| location_id | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| location_ref_id | varchar(36) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| location_gps | point | NO | UNI | NULL | |
And here is the result of SELECT * from locations;
mysql> select location_id, location_ref_id, AsText(location_gps) as location_gps from locations;
| location_id | location_ref_id | location_gps |
| 1 | 76b3352e-b5a4-42a8-95cf-21686d331bec | POINT(18.469692 -63.93212) |
| 2 | cf85de5b-f91d-4975-88b7-79af478ab297 | POINT(28.469692 -73.93212) |
| 3 | 337bfea2-6e56-45f3-b6f5-43f6d59fe0b4 | POINT(38.469692 -83.93212) |
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
And here's my query when I hardcode a specific latitude/longitude point (28.469692, -73.93212) as well as a specific search radius (1km):
location_ref_id, location_line_1, AsText(location_gps) as location_gps
MBRContains (
LineString (
Point (
28.469692 + 1 / ( 111.1 / COS(RADIANS(-73.93212))),
-73.93212 + 1 / 111.1
Point (
28.469692 - 1 / ( 111.1 / COS(RADIANS(-73.93212))),
-73.93212 - 1 / 111.1
POINT(28.469692, -73.93212)
And the results from that query:
| location_id | location_ref_id | location_gps |
| 1 | 76b3352e-b5a4-42a8-95cf-21686d331bec | POINT(18.469692 -63.93212) |
| 2 | cf85de5b-f91d-4975-88b7-79af478ab297 | POINT(28.469692 -73.93212) |
| 3 | 337bfea2-6e56-45f3-b6f5-43f6d59fe0b4 | POINT(38.469692 -83.93212) |
Clearly these 3 locations are not all within 1km of each other, so something is wrong. Can anyone spot what it is?!