The data I've loaded from a shapefile into a geometry column in SQL Server (using NetTopologySuite) is not producing valid GeoJSON when I export it because it doesn't follow the right-hand rule.
I thought this would be easy to fix with the MakeValid()
function, but it's not correcting the issue.
I tried with a simplified geometry as below:
declare @geom geometry
select @geom = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((
0 0,
0 1,
2 1,
2 0,
0 0
))', 4326)
select @geom, @geom.IsValidDetailed()
SQL Server says it's valid (24400: Valid), so presumably that's why it's not fixing it in the MakeValid
What's the best way to resolve this? I've seen an option to use:
UPDATE table SET geom = geom.STUnion(geom.STStartPoint())
which works for simple polygons, but I'm not sure how well it will work for more complex geometries.
is supposed to fix. So I'm wondering if there's something wrong with how I'm doing it, rather than looking for a new tool.